How Television Negatively Affects Children

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Katelin Knowles Ms. Hannaford English II -5th hour 06 December 2012 How Television Violence Negatively Affects Children Many adults urge for children to watch more hours per week of educational programming, while others assert that zero hours of television is the best solution (Alfred I.). Even though the best solution is for children to not watch television until after the age of seven, because by then they will know the difference between right and wrong. Children develop heroism from watching children’s shows. Also because even children’s educational shows have violence in them and when children see repeated amounts of violence it will affect them into using violence as a way to solve problems, television violence sometimes begs for imitation (Alfred I.). Due to the excessive amount of violence on television, desensitization (the process of reducing of sensitivity) is something that more and more children are starting to experience. Children are starting to not react to domestic violence in their homes or on the streets. They are starting to think that it is okay to watch physical and sexual violence happen. They do not completely develop the remorse or guilt for their actions. Children need a sense of morality by the age of five or they will experience difficulties later in life (Sigmund Freud). Due to all the violence and harsh language children have a harder time distinguishing between right and wrong. Research has shown television violence has a negative effect on academic performance, sexuality, body concepts, and self-images of young viewers. This can lead to violent or aggressive behavior and substance abuse. In some cases children develop heroism. That is where children start to think they are doing the community a favor by solving problems in a negative manner. Some shows such as Superman, Spiderman, and Batman solve their problems with

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