How Technology Helps Education

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In the last decade, there has been immense fast pace technology development especially seen in the information technology sector. This has led many organizations to implement and incorporate technology as part of their organization to enhance the operations in the organization. Likewise, schools and other educational institutes have also incorporated the use of technology. This has led to changes in the traditional teaching and learning methods of children. Technology has been slowly becoming part of the education system. Saxena (2013) states that research has found that indeed technology incorporation does enhance the educational process and learning abilities of the students. Furthermore, research has shown that student’s achievement level in education is improved when technology is used in classrooms. Approximately a decade ago the concept of online learning or distance learning was gaining popularity. It is a method of teaching over the internet. There are live lectures one can attend to, online assignments and tests. Gibson and Sodeman (2014) also explained that research has shown “that online learning is just as effective as traditional face-to-face methods. This is an encouraging perspective as online classes grow in demand” (p. 66). The online studies have become a new venue for students who are unable to leave their home for various reasons can study in the comfort of their living room. Today’s generation are much technology savvy. Yong boys are playing on their play station or other gaming device. We would see young teenage girls sharing information on their social networking web page through their tablet or smart phone. We see boys taking selfie and sharing them on the internet. Therefore, in order to seek attention and instigate interest in today’s students, it has become essential to incorporate technology in schools and other educational institutes

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