How Successful Was the Nazi Attempt to Create a Colksgemeinchaft in Germany Between 1933 and 39?

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How successful was the Nazi attempt to create a ‘Volksgemeinschaft’ in Germany between 1933 and 39? The Nazi’s needed all the people to unite together to make a community that had the same ideas and thoughts. They referred to this as a ‘Volksgemeinschaft’ which means peoples community in German. Volksgemeinschaft aimed to make everyone work together. Many factors contributed to this such as contributing Nazi teachings into education and youth activities. Bernhard Rust the Nazi Minister of education made a statement saying ‘The whole purpose of education is to create Nazi’s’ The Nazi’s had changed the whole education policy to educate children about the Nazi ideology and to sort of brain wash them into becoming Nazi’s and fitting the Nazi Ideology as they grow up. The Nazi’s had full control of what was being taught in school and the most teachers had accepted the ideas of the Nazi teachings, those who did not were taken away from their jobs. As the eve of the war had approached, at least 97% of teachers had joined the NSLB (Nationalsozialistische Lehrerbund – The National Socialist Teachers League). Pupils were physically and mentally prepared for Nazis through subjects (mentally through physical education and mentally through History, German, Biology and many more). In biology, they were taught how to measure their skulls and to be able to classify different racial types and that Aryans were superior. The Aryans were ‘typical Nazi’s’ that are blue eyed and Blond haired. Boys and girls had different subjects as they had different roles in Nazi Ideology; Men were meant to grow up to be soldiers whereas women were meant to be house wives, for example girls were taught domestic science which emphasised their role as housewives and mothers. So far the youth and education movement was a huge success for the Nazi’s. The Nazi’s even wanted to control children’s lives
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