How Science Was Shaped by Einstein

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How was Science Shaped by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity? Brencis Matthew Devry University 9/21/2012 How was Science Shaped by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity? The earth rotates around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour (Saintonge, 2002). This is a scientific fact, but most people don’t retain this information as common knowledge. The universe is an expansive beautiful symmetry of wonderment and exquisite art. For every question answered about our infinite universe it seems as though thousands of questions are created. The most intriguing and elusive event is when mankind finds an individual who can answer questions and put a temporarily finality on a concept or Idea. These concepts can be labeled as temporary because science and Ideas of today are driven by technology, and the social acceptance of ideas. Newton was held captive by no doubt; the technology and social limitations of his time. Einstein with more advanced tools and information was able to poke holes in Newton’s theories and make advances most importantly because of his own brilliance, but also because of a scientific community that continues to ask questions. Einstein’s Theory of relativity imprinted a mark of temporary finality on the long standing theories of well established scientists engrained in the minds and accepted by the science community for many years. Albert Einstein was born of Jewish parents in the town of Ulm in southern Germany on 14 march 1879. Like Newton Einstein showed no early signs of genius. He was slow in learning and was also slow to talk. Einstein’s father was a business man and attempted but failed at running a successful business. His father’s business failings allowed the family to travel and gave young Einstein experience and world views that proved valuable in later life. Early in life Einstein was attracted to organized religion but later on moved away from
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