How Modern Media Has Changed the World

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How Has Modern Media Changed The World The media has become a very important part of our lives and it appeals to most of the population. The media has the power to change our perspective or views on a certain issue, individual or event. It can influence our take on a particular subject matter both positively and negatively. Positively through awareness, publicity and fame or negatively through scandal and tabloids. There a numerous forms of media and they include: Television, Radio, Newspapers and the Internet which appeals most to the youth. The media provides us with entertainment, political news, economic news and social news. It keeps us up to date with our daily surroundings. These days it is so easy for matters of even the most trivial importance to show up on our Television screens or Radios and this is due to the worldwide popularity that the media has attained over the past decades. The media plays a huge role in politics during rallies and campaigns. Without the media campaigning would be unsuccessful as it would be extremely difficult for a politician to spread his message and ideas to potential supporters and the community in general. Therefore integrity, honesty and trustworthiness are not the only attributes a politician most possess but also a very successful campaign which is greatly facilitated by media coverage. The media can influence society through its depiction of events in order to galvanize public opinion. Throughout United States History, there have been moments where the media has played a vital role in shaping and molding public opinion. Edward R. Murrow's exposure of Senator Joseph McCarthy's motives helped to bring to light his self serving agenda, and end his hunt for Communists through his House Unamerican Activities Committee (HUAC). The media's portrayal of the war in Vietnam, bringing its horror into the living rooms

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