How Is the Novel 1984 Relevant Today

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George Orwell’s prophetical account on post World War II social order allows twenty first century readers to reflect on how 1984 still applies to today’s society and government. Ingle (1993: 95) suggests Orwell might have written 1984 as a warning to his fellow socialists against the intellectual elite. Though allegorical in nature, it is easy to see that there are certain distinct parallels between the fictional government of 1984 and our modern governments in reality. This essay aims to discuss how 1984 is still relevant today based on the three Party slogans featured in the novel – “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength.” (Part 1, Chapter 1). The first slogan we shall discuss is ‘Freedom is slavery.’ Ingle (1993: 105) stresses how Orwell places importance on individual privacy by portraying a society which has sacrificed its privacy and individualism to the state in return for security. Telescreen surveillance is an intrusion of citizens’ private lives as it instils a sense of paranoia of being watched. Facial gestures that suggest abnormality is a punishable offense, which in Newspeak is called facecrime. As found in the novel; “It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen.” (Part 1, Chapter 5). The issue of surveillance seems more relevant in today’s world then it was during Orwell’s time. In 2001, Malaysia became the first country to use identification cards called the MyKad that integrates photo identification and fingerprint biometric data on an implanted computer chip, which facilitates citizens’ data surveillance by the government. Thomas (2004) argues the enclosure of highly sensitive personal information like electorate information in the MyKad is a very ‘Big Brother’ Orwellian concept since it enables the ruling government to monitor citizens’ voting

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