How Internet Affects Teens Today

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How Internet Affect Teens Today When teens come home from school, what do they do first? Do they get a snack and start their homework? Or do they head straight for the computer to chat with their friends about what someone did that day at school? By and large teens would head to the computer to start some downloads or check their email. Teens are always downloading new music and movies and spending less time doing something useful, such as homework. Internet should not be the only thing teens spend their time doing. Due to the constant download that teens do, their grades in school are starting to drop. The difference in academic performance between teen users and non-users of various communication technologies varies. According to some research, approximately ¾ of the teens have a MySpace account, cell phones and more than ½ of teens have an IM account. Those who have a MySpace account, cell phone and IM have significantly lower grades than those teens that don’t. Teens that used their computer while doing their homework may have lower grades because they are not fully paying attention to what they are doing compared to those that don’t use the internet while doing their homework. Those who put off doing their homework to spend time on MySpace also reported lower grades than those who did not put off doing their homework to spend time on the computer. There are many other reasons teens should not spend so much time on the internet. Another reason may be what teens are looking at nowadays. Some of the things found on the internet may be inappropriate for teens to look at. Teens nowadays are interested in sex and would like to learn more about it but they feel embarrassed to ask an adult, such as a parent. What they don’t realize is that some websites may be a link to a sexual predator. Sexual predators go on websites and some pretend to be a child where others
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