How Genetically Modified Food Is Harmful

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How Genetically Modified Food is Harmful In the early 1990’s Genetically Modified foods were placed on the market, yet people did not understand the harmful effects that they can cause. Genetically Modified foods are used all over the world; however people don’t understand how they work. The main concern of Genetically Modified foods is the overall food safety of the product (Artemis, 2009). A Genetically Modified food is a food that is made up of genetically modified organisms that are formed to make a product more efficient. People in today’s society don’t understand the drugs that are being put into plants and animals that everyone is consuming. Genetically Modified foods do affect the human body in many of ways. The first way that Genetically Modified foods are being used is in the plant industry. Researchers are proving everyday that Genetically Modified foods dealing with plants do affect the human body in various ways. The results of most studies with Genetically Modified foods indicate that they may cause some common toxic effects such as hepatic, pancreatic, renal, or reproductive effects and may alter the hematological, biochemical, and immunologic parameters (Artemis, 2009). Other studies also show that there has been an increase in the amount organisms used to create these foods that it can be linked to cancer. A mutation, such as cancer can be caused by the selective breeding of certain plants known as genetic engineering (Leamux, 2009). Since the plants have the genes or cells to form products in a rapid proportion it links itself to cancer because cancer is just the over production of cells that can’t be slowed down. The technology that is being used is causing the rise in health issues. People that are creating these Genetically Modified foods are using things such as herbicides or insecticides. Herbicides are meant to kill any weeds of any

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