How Far Was The Russo-Japanese War Of 1904-1905 R

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How far was the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905 responsible for the outbreak of the 1905 revolution? By Suzanne Young The revolution of 1905 was a serious of spontaneous events that took place due to social, economic and political issues in Russia. The factors responsible were both short term and long term , one being the russo-japanese war but, to what extent did the 1904-05 war cause the revolution ? The russo-japanese war contributed as a short term factor to the 1905 revolution. Russia wanted to expand its empire in the late nineteenth century, it was attempting to gain power in the Far East but, when doing so it came into contact with another, expanding power country, Japan. From 1904-05 Russia then went to war with japan over the control of northern China and Korea. The Russians believed they had the upper hand as they had a stronger military base but, they suffered a humiliating defeat. In January 1905, Russia was forced to surrender Port Arthur a naval base in the north of China. During the course of the months Japan then defeated Russia in Manchuria but the defeats did not stop there. Their greatest humiliation was on the 27th may 1905 at the battle of Tsushima. It sailed half around the world for nothing, Russia managed to lose 25 of its 35 warships to the Japanese Navy. In Russia, these defeats helped cause even more problems; there was major unrest and support of the government and Tsar which made him look weaker and weaker. Thus the discontent of the people was one of the major causes of the 1905 revolution and without due to the lack of thought and the sheer humiliation of Russia whom was 100 years behind in industry, thus adding to the pressure of its failures. However there is another short term factor that contributed to the 1905 revolution. Bloody Sunday unleashed a new occurrence of violence and riots that had been building up Russia for
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