How Far Do Sociologists Agree That the Key Cause of Crime in Society Is Relative Deprivation?

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How far do sociologists agree that the key cause of crime in society is relative deprivation? Criminal activities have been happening for many years and happen for a variety of reasons and sociologists believe that to some extent, relative deprivation is the key cause of criminal behaviour in today’s society, however there are other aspects which could affect crime rates such as sub – cultural theories, the opportunity structure and inadequate socialisation. Relative deprivation is the occurrence of groups or individuals being unfairly judged with people similar to them. For example a young man who wants to live a flash lifestyle with expensive cars, lots of money and a nice house because he was educated with others who have grown up to experience these things. As he is unable to achieve these luxuries through work, he may turn to criminal activity because he wants to be like his peers as he feels pushed out. Sociologists believe that to some extent, relative deprivation is the key cause of crime in society however there are some other aspects that affect this. Sub-cultural theories are a belief of some sociologists where crime is explained by saying that criminals learn how to commit these crimes from their peer groups or subculture. Cohen in 1955 completed a study on working class boys in North America and found that they were easily involved in gangs. One aspect that was said to have pushed them away from the education system and towards these gangs was because they had middle class standards and values and these boys were unable to live up to the high expectations of these teachers. Therefore, sociologists believe that to some extent, this is one of the key points which can easily cause crime in society. The opportunity structure is where sociologists have explained that crime is determined in the level of legal and illegal opportunities available to

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