How Far Did the Political Change Between October 1918 and May 1919 Amount to a Revolution?

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How far did the political change between October 1918 and May 1919 amount to a revolution? Many political changes in Germany between 1918 and 1919 suggest that the country amounted to a revolution. In this is essay I will be assessing the extent of political change as well as how far these changes in Germany could be described as a revolution. A revolution is defined as a forcible overthrow of a government in a favour of a new system. I shall consider the arguments both for and against whether the political change between 1918 and 1919 amounted to a revolution. By doing this it will allow me to reach my own conclusion once I have weight up each argument. Ways Germany changed politically between 1918 and 1919 support that there was a revolution. I believe the most drastic change was the impact of Germanys defeat in the First World War in 1918. Throughout world war one the people of Germany had been led to believe they would be triumphant in winning the war by the Kaiser. Government propaganda had been used to great effect to ensure German civilians they were successful with only military leaders, Hindenburg and Luderndorff knowing the true state of Germanys military. As well as this, throughout the First World War Germany was being starved of food and all goods due to the British Navy Blockade. All food went to their troops leaving civilians starving causing even more outrage when realising they lost the war. Losing the war angered and shocked German people as they felt stabbed in the back, additionally they were looking for someone to blame. German soldiers believed they did not lose the war and that the army was cheated. It also badly affected businesses and workers within Germany. Farmers were short of labourers to bring in the harvest as men had been in the military. By 1918, Germany was producing only 50% of the milk it had done before the war. Lack of
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