How Facebook Could Prevent Jobs

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Joseph Betras Mr. Johnston English 1540 Essay On Facebook The world we live in today is a more technological advanced society than ever seen before. We use many things that help us communicate with other people when they cannot be seen on a regular basis. Facebook is a prime example of a social network, which provides people around the world to communicate with each other. Facebook as mentioned in the essay is used world wide and on a regular basis. People update their status often and informing their friends what is going on in their life. Today businesses are looking at their employee’s or future employee’s facebook to take a look at their personality. In my perspective I think that business looking at your Facebook profile, and telling what kind of person you are from it is a poor accusation. The website was created for college students, and in fact was created by a Harvard drop out in 2004. A reason I dislike this is because it shows no privacy from your work life to your personal life. Only you and your friends on Facebook should be able to see what your status is and comments to each other. I think this because it’s no ones business but you and your friends, and not for your boss or other people at work to see. People who are a great worker and student should not be judged about their weekend fiasco just because they got drunk, or because they got into a fight etc. It is just like judging a book by its cover. Rebecca Dince writes in the essay “students put much effort into their job search”. Seeing it going down the toilet devastates them and would for me too. To me if you set your page to private then no one but your friends should be able to see your page from a legal standpoint. The illegal side of this is if the police, or college administrators have suspicion about someone. The essay states that from a legal stand point
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