How Effectively Did Mussolini Consolidate His Power in Italy After 1922?

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How effectively did Mussolini consolidate his power in Italy after 1922? Mussolini used many techniques and methods to consolidate and secure his power after his appointment of prime minister in 1922. Some of the ways Mussolini tried to consolidate his power was by the use of propaganda and the cult of the Duce, through the media and architecture or through repression and intense terror and controlling the state and power within it. All of these factors had both effective aspects and limited aspects in regards to achieving the consolidation of Mussolini’s power. Although, in my opinion I do not believe that Mussolini effectively consolidated his power in Italy after 1922 as although he had much success ultimately there were still aspects within Italy that were a danger to Mussolini’s power. One may dispute that one of the most effective methods Mussolini incorporated to consolidate his power in Italy after 1922 was the controlling of the state and party. After his appointment of prime minister on the 29th of October 1922 there were only 4 Fascists within the cabinet. Fascists support was extremely low with no Public representation (35 seats in the 1921 elections); he had powerful opponents such as the Pope and the Catholic Church and also the king that could dismiss him from power at any time. Mussolini was aware that he was in a very weak position and could easily fall out of government, he had the choice between radicalism and the elites and that he had to consolidate his power to secure his position. Through controlling the state and party Mussolini aimed to maintain power by taking control of the fascist movement and squads. He also wanted to rid of all opposition such as the Ras and socialists to ensure that he could not be removed from power by any other party and make Italy into a one party, totalitarian state. To make this aim materialise Mussolini had
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