How Does the Author Show the Conflict Between Man V’s Nature?

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How does the author show the conflict between Man V’s Nature? An epic sense of conflict is shown throughout the novel; however, it is particularly shown in Chapter four, ‘On the Edge’. The conflict mainly revealed is Man versus Nature as the difficulty of their climb becomes more intense and problematic for both, professional and experienced climbers. To begin with, the overall title of the chapter not only suggests the physicality of the climbs presence of being on the edge of a mountain, but it also advocates the climbers metaphorically as being on the edge of their ability- they are being pushed to their limits. Despite the considerable amount of experience both climbers have, the chapter title proposes that nature is unpredictable, in spite of the amount of familiarity with climbing. Chapter four is based on Simon and Joe’s climb down the mountain. Previously, they had only just left the summit of the mountain and Joe realises the slow pace to which they are moving at. This suggests that both climbers have been unaware of time and their minds have been busy focusing on something else, most likely nature as they compete in the battle for survival, as Joe explains: ‘I realised how poor the light had become. I checked my watch and was surprised to see that it had gone five o’clock. We had left the summit nearly three and a half hours earlier and yet had made little progress.’ The idea that Joe’s mind has been preoccupied by nature is when he is commenting through his stream of consciousness, displaying how active his brain is at a significant time in their climb. To begin with, Joe ‘…moved carefully’ as he doesn’t want to make a single mistake as he has heard stories about other attempted climbs. Furthermore, Joe’s vulnerability in this battle against nature is discovered also in this dialogue as he ‘continued nervously’. Despite his previous experience, Joe

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