How Does Society Confer Our Individuality Upon Us

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How does society confer our individuality upon us? “Expressions of individuality are ultimately beneficial to society since they contribute to the well-being of humankind” (Souffrant, 2000, pp. 32). There are many ways in which individuals express their individuality in modern societies, however it is important to understand how this differs from pre-industrial societies to acknowledge the change in individualism and the impact society has. It is argued that there are multiple ways in which society and its institutions confer our individuality upon us. Social forces are all around us; we may believe that we have constructed our own identities independently, nonetheless it has become clear that social forces that surround us have many impacts in the way individuals develop their identity, from the beginning of life through the process of socialisation, society enforces a given social identity which continues with us throughout our life course. In turn an individual’s personal identity is also affected by that of society. It appears to be controlled and manipulated through many processes such as the division of labour, capitalism, the diversity of cultural experiences that society makes available to us, and the way in which the media influence has on identity construction and restriction. This essay will deliberate over the many ways in which society confers our individuality upon us and the changes from pre-industrial societies to today’s modern society. From the beginning of an individual’s life there are many processes in which they are to go through to understand how to become a functioning member of society, this is termed as socialisation. It is through this progression that someone will obtain their knowledge of the kind of person they are and the culture in which they will live by. Within primary socialisation where a set of norms and values are gained

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