How Does Natural Selection Lead to Evolution?

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Natural Selection and Evolution Homework assignment, 09.09.2012 Ingrid Gunnarson Thunes Question How does natural selection lead to evolution? Natural selection is a process in nature which organisms possessing certain genotypic characteristics that make them better adjusted to an environment tend to survive, reproduce and increase number of frequency. Therefore the organism/organisms are able to transmit and perpetuate their essential genotypic qualities to succeed in generations. (Definition from Biology Online Then, how does natural selection lead to evolution? In nature there is always a constraint among individuals, from different species (interspecific) as well as within a species (intraspecific). “The strongest one survives” is a statement that is often being said in popular literature to be able to explain how nature works. That statement is not necessarily true because in nature it’s not the strongest individual that survives, nor the most intelligent one; it is the one that is most adaptable to the prevailing environmental conditions that survives. This can for example be the fastest one, the most vicious one, the one that produces seeds of the ‘right’ size and quality or the one with the brightest plume color. This is what nature is all about, to be able to pass the ‘best’ genes to the next generation and that is most commonly the individuals within a population which are best adapted to the current environmental conditions and are ‘better’ to adjust to sudden environmental changes. It is important to understand that natural selection applies on the individuals of a population while evolution is a process between generations. The giraffe is a very good example to illustrate how natural selection works leading to evolution in the species. Within the entire giraffe population some
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