How Does Dickens Use Language and Characterisation to Portray Society in the Industrial Revolution in Hard Times ?

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In Hard Times Dickens uses a lot of language in different styles and ways and uses characters to portray the lives of people and their lucks and misfortunes during the industrial revolution. The actual book is set in Coke Town the name Coke Town is significant to the type of place it is as coke is what you get from coal which symbolises revolution and industry. The backdrop of Coke Town is it is an industrial town and most of the residents are poor, miserable factory workers ‘it was a town of unnatural red and black like the face of a savage’ this describes what buildings in the town looked like and by describing them like faces of savages it shows that they aren’t very attractive or inviting because savages gives off the impression of death and hatred which isn’t inviting or welcoming. ‘interminable serpents of smoke trailed themselves forever’ this creates a sense that the smoke is evil because using serpents as the simile makes you think of horrible and scary things. Throughout chapter 5 the writer uses lots of colours in describing the town such as the red/black brick and the ‘river that ran purple’ all the colours used in the chapter are dark and mysterious colours which adds to the facts that Coke Town is a scary, dark and unloved place. One of the main characters is Thomas Gradgrind. Gradgrind is the local mp and runs the school in Coke Town. He bases his life purely on ‘facts’ ‘now what I want is facts’ this almost makes Gradgrind quite robotic and lacking emotion as robots are associated with facts and figures it also shows us that his life is based on his facts and figures not on emotions and specifically NOT on ‘fancy’, fancy means imagination so when he says he has no room for fancy he is showing he is a very shallow character emotionally as he is getting back at the fact he runs off facts which means he has no room

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