How Do You Respond to the View That in the Stories in Tbc Carter Presents a Sinister Distortion of Family Relationships?

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How do you respond to the view that in the stories in The Bloody Chamber, Angela Carter presents a sinister distortion of family relationships? The relationships that are presented within the collection of short stories, present the reader with a disturbed version of stereotypical fairytale relationship. Carter distorts these relationships in order, to engage overwhelming emotion within the reader. Angela Carter wishes to push the boundaries of the fairytale genre and provoke the reader to feel anger towards patriarchal societies. It is clear within the short stories that these relationships have been distorted, in order for Carter to present the reader with her opinion of issues within society. However, not all relationships are seen in a sinister manner, there are few exceptions within the collection of short stories that are provided to the reader in order of a comparison. Carter uses them in order, to parody the typical fairytale, thus to bring forward the point she wants to make to the reader. The relationships within The Bloody Chamber are presented distorted with a sinister element as a way for Carter to reinterpret the gothic element in a more up to date way, for the re-telling of fairytales. The story of ‘The Bloody Chamber’, presents the unusual relationship of Husband and Wife, through the characters of the protagonist and Marquis. The relationship doesn’t represent the typical relationship bound by love for one another; this is clear from the implied admittance of the protagonist, suggesting she doesn’t love her fiancé. When the mother of the heroine asks her if she loves him, the girl replies with: “I’m sure I want to marry him.” The heroine talks of the Marquis wealth, which immediately presents the reader with a marriage of convenience and fortune. Therefore, from the beginning of the short story, the relationship of the Husband and Wife is

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