How Do You Respond To Tennyson’s Presentation Of c

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In this essay I am comparing Tennyson’s ‘Ulysses’ with ‘Mariana’. Both poems explore how despair and a feeling of isolation can manifest from different causes and the unique way it can affect every individual. For instance, when Mariana feels deserted by what we assume to be her lover, she becomes listless with a repetitive routine. In contrast to this, when Ulysses feels unfulfilled and unsatisfied by domestic life, he becomes restless and energetic, keen ton escape the bounds of a suburban lifestyle. Ulysses was inspired by Homer’s ‘Odyssey’ and Dante’s ‘Inferno’, which suggests that Tennyson wanted to portray ‘Ulysses’ constant desire for adventure as a character flaw rather than a heroic instinct. As the poem progresses we come to see it as such, rejecting Ulysses’ vanity and egotistical nature, which is especially obvious in the second verse. In the opening stanza, we immediately discover the reason behind Ulysses’ depression and feeling of despair. He describes the monotony of ‘the still hearth’ and derides the people he rules. Describing them as ‘a savage race’. Tennyson uses pathetic fallacy when describing the bleak landscape and ‘barren crags’ and also uses monosyllabic words to exaggerate the tedious turn Ulysses’ existence has taken. The rhythm is harsh and downbeat, ending with an even toned line to empathize the dullness of Ithaca. The tone is bitter and resentful, exaggerated by negative adjectives such as ‘unequal’ even toward his wife, whom he describes as ‘aged’ rather than loyal. In the next verse Ulysses compares his current life with his past adventures and successes. The start is halting, and Tennyson had used caesura to split this part of the monologue into short, sharp thoughts to give an illusion that Ulysses is running through several thoughts. It also brings pace and the rhythm of the verse slowly builds to a climax, as he
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