How do Christians put their beliefs about marriage and family life into action?

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How do Christians put their beliefs about marriage and family life into action? I will explain Christian beliefs on marriage and family life. Before a couple get married they must prepare, this usually takes place during the engagement period. The Roman Catholic Church requires that an engaged couple attend a marriage preparation course. A priest (to discuss the sacramental nature of marriage), doctor (to converse the use of Natural Family Planning), solicitor will also give talks on the legal aspect of marriage, and an already married couple will help the engaged couple consider all aspects of married life. They are given the opportunity to meet with other engaged couples to discuss their future. One of the most stressed upon points about married life is the need to communicate. Without this the couple’s marriage will not work. The couple should also have mutual expectations of each other. For example, the couple need to agree on contraception and how many children they plan to have. Other discussions that need to take place include careers, housing, plans for the future and how much time they will spend together in their daily lives. The couple need to know everything about each other in order not to jeopardise their future together. One way of doing this is by putting themselves into different situations and to observe how one another copes. The church also believes that family is essential and promotes a good relationship with the future spouse’s parents and relations. Practically the couple need to plan spending and housing. The couple can put their beliefs of the five principles of marriage into practice in many ways. Firstly, marriage is a sacrament so the couple must get married in a church and take their vows seriously. Marriage in a registry office is believed not to be a spiritual union so a priest must conduct it. The couple must take

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