How Did the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution Influence People Around the World?

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How did the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution influence people around the world? The American Declaration of Independence wrote in 1776 and finally ratified on July 4th 1776 is arguably one of the most influential texts throughout history. Not only did the Declaration form one of the largest nations within the planet it also created a surge in nationalism for countries throughout the world. The declaration of independence has been linked to hundreds of other Declarations throughout the world. However not only did the Declaration of Independence bring about a global surge but also the United States constitution has also influenced the rest of the world in a new legal structure. David Armitage writes “As the first successful declaration of independence in history, it helped to inspire countless movements for independence, self-determination and revolution after 1776 and to this very day.” (Armitage, 2014) This very clearly demonstrates a simple explanation as to the impact of the declaration. The declaration itself was formed during a revolution and independence movement against the tyranny of the British. This tyranny therefore led to a mass influence in what Andrew Heywood describes as” Anti Colonial Nationalism” (Heywood,2007).This form of Nationalism worked perfectly alongside the declaration itself with a large portion of the original declaration listing “specific grievances to justify an armed insurrection”(Kramer,2011).As Kramer writes the declaration presented a large list of grievances and crimes which the British had committed on the American people during their reign. These grievances helped to unite the different colonies under one aim for Independence. This united effort therefore would allow the newly formed state to gain the international recognition it required to be a fully fledged state. Armitage writes “If
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