How Diaries Help Historians

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What use would a diary be to a historian of the future? Diaries have provided historians and people an insight into the past. They have been used by many famous individuals to document what is happening to them throughout history as well as what was happening to their country at the time as well. Numerous diaries have been published and there are several that have hit a historical status and have remained as best sellers on literary lists throughout the world. As pleasant as they are to read, diaries and the information they provide are often hard to interpret. When looking into diaries there a several questions historians would have to ask and look into in detail to see the importance of the diary, the relevance of the diary and how useful it will be to them. The first thing historians would look into is who wrote the diary as they would need to know whether it belonged to a famous historical person or an unknown, whether the diarist was a participant in some major historical events, such as the civil war in America or the second world war. It is important to know what the diarists gender is as well social class or social circumstances and profession as that could also have an effect on the diarists perspective towards the different events that could have occurred In the time period they were a part of. The period in time in which the diary is written is very important to historians as they would need to know if it was written during a major historical event as if it were it could be of more importance as well as value. Historians find the chronology covered by a diary very important and so they would survey the diary in it entirety to plot entries coinciding with major historical events. The story told by the diarist could possible run parallel to a conflict or other event and provide the historian with valuable insights on the event itself or other things
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