How Can Lady Gaga Be Described as a Post Modern Text?

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How could Lady Gaga be described as a postmodern text? You should refer to other texts Due to the often contradictory, very broad definition of the word, there are many things which allow a text to be described as postmodern. Lady Gaga can be used as a major example which exhibits post modernistic features, evident through her style, image, behaviour and attitudes displayed throughout a range of texts. Elements of postmodernism are shown through a variety of Gaga’s music videos. One of which is through her music video “Telephone” where one of the techniques used that highlights postmodernism is intertexual referencing. “Telephone” makes references to a variety of things including Beyonce and Lady Gaga’s relationship which can be compared to that of “Thelma and Louise”; a 1991 movie based on two women that commit murder and go on the run. Another example of intertexuality used within “Telephone” is the imitation of Michael Jackson’s trademark shuffle, which is evident where Gaga breaks out from prison. The significance of this is, the fact that Lady Gaga refers to other texts within her music videos; this reinforces her image as being described as a postmodern text. Furthermore, when Gaga refers to Beyonce as “Honey Bee” before they pull of their poison murder spree in the diner, this is a clear reference to “Honey Bunny” in Pulp Fiction; again highlighting the intertexual referencing. It can be argued that one of the major examples of postmodernism is within Lady Gaga herself where she is seen as a simulacrum of Madonna in a significant number of ways. This is evident through not only Gaga’s clothing, but also her music style, persona and also image. Examples of this can be seen within one of Lady Gaga’s song “Born this way” which many argue has considerable similarities with Madonna’s song “Express Yourself”. As a result, Gaga is seen as a replica of Madonna
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