How Breack a Habit

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Good morning. My name is Ismail halabi, and I am here to inform you about what habits are, how they are created, and four simple strategies you can use to break your habits. I. What exactly is a habit? Psychologist Tim Wysocki states that “A habit is a behavior that is repeated over and over again.” A. Some habits are done involuntarily. I’d be willing to bet that most of YOU do one or more of the following behaviors: bite your nails, twirl your hair, grit your teeth, shake your foot or tap your pencil. These are all examples of things we do without even realizing we are doing it. To other people however, these habits can be irritating and noticeable. B. Other habits ARE consciously performed. For example, if you feel the need to arrange your desk in a certain way before you start your homework because you “don’t feel right” otherwise, this is considered a habit. II. Now that you know what a habit is, let us talk about how they are formed. A. Firstly, a habit can develop when you are bored. If you’re sitting in class and you have nothing better to do, you may begin a behavior to occupy yourself. If you continue to repeat this behavior, eventually, it may become a habit. B. Habits may also be created under stress. Someone may twirl their hair around their finger because it makes them feel comfortable and calms them down. This behavior may make them feel like they have something to hold on to when scared or nervous. C . Additionally, habits can serve as a response to frustration, or an outlet for stored-up energy. Behaviors such as shaking your foot or tapping your pencil may be examples of this. D. When a habit begins to be noticeable to other people or takes up a lot of time, you may want to consider breaking it. Breaking a habit is not easy. Psychologist Timothy Wilson says, “Changing may be difficult, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do it ”.
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