How Are the Relationship Between Humans and Nature Important for Moving Towards Sustainability?

513 Words3 Pages
How are the relationship between humans and nature important for moving towards sustainability? Humans definitely play a role towards nature and moving along towards sustainability, every course of action has its effects. A single dot of ink changes the entire color of water in a cup. Humans affect nature directly in many ways and it’s mostly because of globalization. Globalization causes deforestation, water pollution and air pollution among the many known. All these detrimental effects can be avoided if managed properly and in the right way to promote sustainability for the greater good of living things on earth. The key to sustainability is either to leave nature as it is (unaffected), or replenish as much as we destroy. Deforestation should be managed properly and humans play an important role towards the sustainability of trees and forests in the long run. For example, cut down a tree; plant two more, setting guidelines for when to it is permissible to catch fish (size/season) to allow for the population to be maintained. Trees have to be cut down in the right manner as well to ensure that the soil remains fertilized and does not lose its nutrients which is required for the plantation of new trees. If trees replantation is not managed properly, a land will become infertile and useless as it won’t be able to plant trees anymore. Trees have roots that hold the ground, landslides and floods can occur as the cause of deforestation if not managed properly. Floods occur as soil not held by roots of trees sink into drains, rivers and ponds clogging them up cause floods. Therefore, trees replantation and deforestation has to be planned properly to ensure sustainability. Water one of the most important natural resources that should be protected is getting polluted these days, human plays an important role as well. Proper management of factory waste is required to

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