How Accurate Is It to Say That the Growth of Black Power Was the Most Important Factor in the Weakening of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960

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The civil rights movement had slowed down significantly during the 1960’s, progress was slow and there were many factors that caused this; the four main influences were the Vietnam war, the Federal Government, the Radicalisation of Martin Luther King and finally the most important factor was Black Power. These were all important factors and had a role to play in weakening the movement. Black power was the most important factor because through its growth it weakened the movement, it did this through the aims which alienated White Americans through Black Nationalism and separatism, there was also a documentary created ‘Hate that Hate produced’ in 1959, this favoured the idea of no collaboration with White Americans in SNCC and CORE after 1966 in which Whites were banned from their organisations. This helped emphasise separate black identity and in turn followed the beliefs of the nation of Islam. Their methods also alienated whites, this occurred through the violence that Malcom X emphasised along with self-defence. Leaders such as Malcom X orated about arming themselves to stay safe; this caused the whites to increase their fear of the black Americans. Black Power were reluctant to use legal means and they preferred direct confrontation, for example ‘Police the pigs’ campaign after 1966. This slowed the progress of the civil rights movement because without the help of the white American’s they were unable to achieve change which in turn weakened the movement. By alienating the whites, defacto change could not occur which meant that dejure change couldn’t be pushed through, with the reluctance of the African Americans to work with the whites this caused the biggest impact to weakening the civil rights movement of the 1960’s. Another important factor was the radicalisation of Martin Luther King (MLK from here forward), this weakened the civil rights movement by
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