Housing Problem in Hk

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Housing issue is a contention problem in Hong Kong. As we all know, Hong Kong has a huge among of population but lack of land for development. Land resources become race and valuable. The high-price of building is unaffordable for grass-roots class and even some middle-class rent or buy. Public housing is a way for them to choose, however, the supply of public housings have been decreased because the changes of housinSSg policy. And the cancelation of regular land auctions policy also bring out some problems. Also, there are many living problems rounding us, for instance, the time of waiting a public rental house is too long, and the price of private properties are irrationally increasing that led people questioning the housing policy of Hong Kong government. In the following paragraphs, I am going to mention about the changes of housing policy and explore whether the government failed in the housing policy that leads so many housing issues. The revenue of Hong Kong Government mainly relies on the high land premium policy. Through the regulation of land sales and the stamp duty of property transaction to earn the finical reserve maintaining the public spending. In 1997 Policy Address , Tung Chee Hwa measures on housing included a pledge to provide 85,000 housing flats each year so as to resolve the problems of soaring property prices and 70% people can own a flat to reduce the waiting time of public rental housings. However, when the supply of flats over the demand of market that will appear selling climax that leads the irrational price reduction. On the other hand, the finical turmoil aggravated the reduction of house price fell down about 50%, many people became negative equity In late 2002, Suen Ming Tueng announced “Suen-Nine measures” to resolve this situation and stabilize Hong Kong property market. His plan mainly suggested to cancel the regulation
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