Homeschooling Is Where the Heart Is

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Homeschooling is where the heart is Kristie Sosnicki COM/155 07/21/2012 Katherine Hyon Homeschooling is where the heart is Several studies conducted measuring daily living skills, communication, and socialization and maturity prove homeschooled children excel over public school children on every level. Contrary to what most people believe including the biggest part of school superintendants 92% to be exact, It’s homeschooled children not public school children coming out ahead on their scores when it come to daily living skills. This is because homeschooled children are taught by their parents who are allowing their children to assume responsibility, and be faced with personal identities, relationships, and values and morals. Whereas public school children are faced with bullies, peer-pressure, and drugs. Homeschooled children’s peers are people of all ages including adults to learn from. Public school children’s peers to learn from are the same age as them as a result they teach one another how to be bullies, drug dealers, and rebellious teens. Dr. Brian Ray (2008-2009) a researcher for the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) conducted a research study over several years in California called “The Progress Report”. The research done by him show homeschooled children excelling over public school children both academically and socially. In fact when it comes to the social maturity of homeschooled children and public school children it’s no wonder why homeschooled children are scoring better. It’s the homeschooled children who in point of fact are going on more field trips, playing more sports, and into more social events than public school children. Dr. Thomas C Smedly M.S. author of “ Socialization of homeschooled children: A Communication Approach; (May 1992) found in his research that homeschooled children are more mature and more
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