Homeschooling Essay

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3/10/2011 Homeschooling The topic of homeschooling generates many different opinions. The opinions of whether homeschooling provides proper education for its students differ amongst parents. Some view homeschooling as a hindrance to children’s social, emotional, and psychological development. However, I argue that homeschooling remains more beneficial to a child than traditional schooling. For example, it gives students more of an individualized learning experience and it provides students with more freedom and flexibility. In spite of those who favor homeschooling, others still view it as a hindrance to a child’s social, emotional, and psychological development. Some say that homeschooling poses socialization problems for its students. For example, in the article, “Academic Achievement and Demographic Traits of Homeschool Students: A Nationwide Study”, author Ray states that one of the main questions posed about socialization, “. . . asks whether homeschool children interact with other people outside their nuclear family members.” (1) In his article entitled, “Home Schooling Goes Mainstream”, author Gaither argues that homeschoolers demand an equal opportunity to participate in innovative programs. “Homeschoolers have challenged and are increasingly overturning laws barring them from participation in high school sports and other activities offered by public schools.” (18) Others argue that homeschooling remains more beneficial to children than traditional schooling. For example, certain studies found that homeschooled students seem to be scoring about the same or a little better than public school students. Also, some families prefer homeschooling because of the freedom and flexibility that it allows. Families that travel a lot, due to their line of work, propose that homeschooling is better because of the flexible scheduling. In their article entitled,
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