Homeschool Vs. Traditional School

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Homeschooling is a method of education that is rapidly growing. There are no definite numbers of how many children are homeschooled. It is certain, though, “that the number of children who are educated at home is increasing” (Lowe, 2002). Homeschooling versus traditional schooling is a question may parents ask themselves. While deciding which method of education will suit the family, there are several things to consider, discipline of both parent and child, patience to teach, and socialization events to help encourage the student’s social growth. As a parent considers the pros and cons of homeschooling they need to ask themselves if they are disciplined enough to follow through with teaching their children. “The education of your child is completely in your hands and can be a full-time job” (Harrison, 2010) It is important that a parent teach his or her child at home to be discipline enough to keep and educational schedule for his or her child (Harrison, 2010). Having patience is vital in teaching a child. Teaching takes a lot of care and patience. When a subject is not completely understood by a child it may be difficult for a parent to have patience in teaching that child. Having patience is coupled with taking time and caring about what and how you are teaching your child. As children grow, socialization skills grow with them. One concern with homeschooling is if the child has enough social interaction with peers of the same age (Harrison, 2010). Having a child involved in hobbies, clubs or sports can help teach a child how to use his or her socialization skills. While deciding the preference for homeschool over traditional school, there are many factors to evaluate. Discipline of both parent and child, the patience need to teach, and socialization for the child are three main points to consider. Homeschooling over traditional schooling is
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