Home or Restaurant

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HOME OR RESTAURANT As we know,several things start and finish with eating.Special days etc…Everyday,people go to eating with their darling,family or friends.Consequently,people are always looking forward to the best place of eating.The purpose of this essay is to contrast eating at home and eating in a restaurant.There are three differences:cost,atmosphere,time. I’m going to discuss eating at home first.There are three aspects cost,atmosphere and time.First point is cost,for example you want to eat with family at home;place of shopping depends on your budget.If you haven’t got enough money,don’t worry!There are a lot of market.Second point is atmosphere .People are always good feel at home.You don’t have to make up.You don’t have to about your clothes.So if you have a relaxing plan,your choice will be eating at home.Lastly,time is very important for eveyone.Meaning of time depends on people.For example,time is a lot for housewife.She has a enough time for preparing food. I’m going to discuss eating in a restaurant.There are three aspects:cost,atmosphere and time.Firstl,ı’m going to start cost.If you have enough money,you can go to restaurant everyday.When waiter comes,you won’t worry.Secondly,atmosphere of restaurant.Several people like different places.You choose a restaurant according to your mantal state.You might make up or you wear a suit and you this makes you feel better.Lastly,ı’m going to discuss time.For example businessman…He has’nt enough time and eating in a restaurant is very comfortable for him. People often choose one of these two options of eating.Additionally,place of eating depends on three aspects.I like eating at home.Because,ı’m a student som y bugdet is little.Actually ı’m thinking my health.Consequently in my opinion,eating at home is the best.

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