Holy Prophet Essay

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Holy Prophet The features of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the light of the gist of the Rawayyat related by Hazrat Ans bin Malik, Hazrat Barraa bin Aazib, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Samaq bin Harab, Hazrat Jabar bin Samrah, Hazrat Abu Hurrairah, Hazrat Jabar bin Abdullah, Hazrat Abu-al-Tufail and Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them ) are as under:- H E I G H T The height of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was neither long nor short but rather one that was inclined toward height. COLOUR OF BODY The colour of His (PBUH) body was neither pure white nor brownish but rather one that was fair and red like rose. H A I R The hair of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) were dark black till death except some 14 grey hair in the head and 6 grey hair in the beard. There was not a single grey hair except these 20 grey hair in the whole body. His (PBUH) hair were neither curly nor absolutely straight but rather curvatively straight. Sometime the length of the hair went up to the lobe of the ears and sometime up to the shoulders. H E A D The head of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was big and very beautiful. HYSIQUE The physique of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was not fleshy. F A C E Face of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was not altogether round but somewhat round. FOREHEAD Forehead of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was broad. EYEBROWS Eyebrows were slender, long, thick and distinct, divided by a thin vein, which used to redden and brighten during wrath. E Y E S Eyes were big with long eyelashes. The white of the eyes was extra white whereas the pupils were jet black. N O S E Nose was long, thin, highly beautiful and bright. One who looked at him (PBUH) abruptly, used to take him (PBUH) as a prson with a prominent nose. CHEEKS Cheeks of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) were glowing bright. Neither plump nor bony. He (PBUH) had a normal sized broad mouth. L I P S Lips of the Holy Prophet

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