Holes, Analysis

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«No-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather» An analysis of the book Holes by Louis Sachar The novel is about a boy, Stanley Yelnats who has bad luck for the reason that a curse is placed on his great-great-grandfather. The camp Stanley is sent to (Camp Green Lake), is a detention camp, because of a crime he didn’t commit. Every single day the main character and the other boys at the camp are forced to dig large holes in the dirt. Stanley finally realizes that they have to dig these holes since the Warden is looking for something. The storyteller links three various stories to expose why Stanley’s family has a curse upon them and what the Warden are looking for. Among these three stories there is one main story and two other stories which explain incidences in the main story. For example as mentioned above why the boys have to dig holes, why the Yelnats has a past of bad luck, and how the biggest lake in Texas dried out etc. Stanley must fight against the tough circumstances at Camp Green Lake to assert his independence and finally free his family and himself from the spell (No-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather) that has been placed upon them. The tense often changes from the present in Stanley's own life, to flashbacks in the life of Stanley's great-great-grandfather, or to the life of Kate Barlow. Stanley's friendship with Zero irritates the other boys at the camp and that Zero digs part of Stanley's hole, makes the other boys envious. This causes to rising tension among the boys, which gradually break out into a fight between the boys. The consequence of the fight gets Zero to run away from the camp, which cause Stanley to follow afterwards. Once they have escaped there is no way back and the two must make decisions about where they are heading next. This novel
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