Hip Hop: a Site of Resistance

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Hip Hop as a site of Resistance Hip-hop has always been a form of resistance against the dominant structures of society. From ever since the beginning it was a created as an opposition to privilege and oppression. A methodology indicative of an artistic perspective; and a musical creation enriched in harmony meant to reinvigorate the soul. Hip hop in itself is a powerful form of resistance that shines as a beacon that is universal and transcends all borders. It has the power to unite all populations regardless of ethnicity creed and religion. It is an intersectionalist construction that seeks to eliminate ignorance through the infusion of culture. Hip-Hop gives the individual a method of reclaiming agency, especially in places where resources are disproportionately allocated. It’s not only a genre of music, it is a business, a methodology and a lens through which the world can be viewed. It is a business because the artist must create songs, publish said songs; and create a brand that is relatable. All these actions are indicative of a business driven perspective. Hip-hop as a methodology is a means by which certain populations can relate to the world. It is a discourse that at first wasn’t main stream but now is continuously being accessed as a mechanism for relating to contemporary society. Chang tells us in the article “It’s a hip-hop” that “Hip-Hop saved a lot of lives” (Chang 62). He indicates that hip-hop as a lens through which the world can be viewed has invigorated certain populations with critical thinking skills and these skills have been responsible in giving individuals the tools necessary for reclaiming agency. Before hip-hop can transcend borders the agency of its populace must be reestablished. Hip-Hop is a movement and if its activists are socially dead then the movement will cease to exist. Many theorists that

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