Hilton Case Study

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• Executive Summary • Problems • Causes of the Problems • Solutions to Problems • Recommendations 1A. Soundness of content: Is the case credible? As far as you know, does the case depict the industry with reasonable accuracy? Note any factual errors. 1. Pedagogical value: In its coverage of CRM-customer relationship management, does the case satisfactorily address learning objectives that are important in a marketing management course? Why or why not? 2. Quality of presentation: Does the depiction of Hilton's organization and executive leadership strike you as balanced and objective? If not, why not? Is the case story interesting and fluently told? Was it engaging to you? What more, if anything, should the authors do to inject energy or drama into the case? 4. Exhibits: This case has an unusually large number of exhibits for an HBSP Brief Case. Are they all valuable? Can you recommend one or two that might, in the interest of brevity, be eliminated without damaging the pedagogical purpose? 5. Quantitative aspect: Please evaluate carefully the quantitative challenge that the case presents to you. Will good students correctly perceive the quantitative analysis and interpretation that is expected of them? Should the assignment be made more or less explicit in the case? Is the quantitative assignment pegged at roughly the right level for your good students? Please review the TN's discussion of the quantitative aspect of the case: simply put, is the math correct? Is the analysis appropriate and intellectually sound? 6. Breadth and depth: Is the case sufficiently broad in focus and deep in detail to support a full-class discussion in your course? Conversely, is the case too ambitious in scope and complexity for a single session of homework plus class discussion? If the
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