Highway Safety Essay

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The Safety Issues Concerning Highways By: Shane Murli To most people the highway is the safest, most simple place to drive because it has no streetlights, no left and right turns, no pedestrian crossings, and no sudden change in the speed limit to distract and cause the driver to lose control of the car. However, the highways have many issues to safety that most people have no idea about and can cost them their lives if they are not aware of these issues. Due to the high speed limit on the highways, the weather conditions can affect the driving conditions much more than it could on the local roads causing major accidents sometimes involving death. Also, many things the driver does while they are driving such as talking on a cell phone and driving under the influence of alcohol can cause major danger when highway driving. Traveling at such high speeds calls for a more concentrated and attentive driver especially when changing lanes and while exiting and entering the highway. With higher speeds comes the need for a quicker reaction time. This calls for the driver to pay much more attention to their surroundings in order to prevent accidents. The weather has a very big affect on all roads, local or the highway, no matter what conditions it presents. The highway however is much more dangerous when weather is a factor simply because drivers are traveling at such high speeds and one little slip- up can lead to a potentially deathly accident. There is danger presented in almost any weather conditions from sunshine to snow fall. When the sun is shining, drivers who are driving in the direction of it are almost blinded by the brightness. If a driver doesn’t take the appropriate safety precautions to fold the sun visor equipped with every care or simply wear a good pair of sunglasses they are in great danger. A driver can simply be driving with the sun

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