Hero vs Saint

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Hero and Saint Abstract People do not need to choose between living a life of a hero or living one of a saint but must choose which approach they would like to follow more and find a balance between the two. Over time these two approaches could merge into a single approach that is the most profound existence that mankind has ever seen. Hero and Saint The hero is a metaphor for a secular view and their world is impersonal and lead by fate or chance, with an indifference to mankind’s devotion. The hero wants to fulfill his own desires and advancements in life in the way of acquiring the necessary tools to make this happen. The saint relates himself to others with caring and nurturing whose main focus is love. The saint tends to look inward for strength and focus on the meaning of life. Comparing the Metaphors The differences between the hero and the saint are “ideal types” that serve as ways in which we should live our lives. A person does not have to choose one way or the other but a good balance between both approaches may suit most people. Ambrosio said “Both are equally fundamental and neither should be dismissed in relation to the other.”(Ambrosio). Hero The hero approach is a self fulfilling journey in the meaning of life. For example current debates about evolution follow the hero view where there is an impersonal reality to life. Another is the pro-choice debate, where the creation of life is of no value or the free market capitalism where some people live a life of luxury while others, who could be mentally ill or handicapped, live a life of poverty. Saint The saint approach is an inward journey to the concern of others and the well being of mankind. For example the other side of evolution is the debate of intelligent design where personal relationships and meanings are the guide for meaning. The pro

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