Heredity vs. Environment

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Chapter 4 Heredity and Environment Both heredity and environment determine the person you become. Heredity – all the characteristics transmitted from parents to children before birth – may give you some physical trait of either of your parents. On the other hand, environment – all the surrounding forces that affect your life – may determine characteristics such as likes and dislikes. Inherited Characteristics Chromosomes are tiny rod-shaped bodies, which can be found in almost all of the cells of the body. Chromosomes usually explain the presence of some physical irregularities at birth. Each human cell normally contains 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs. Sometimes, however, it can differ; children with Down syndrome have 47 chromosomes. Set of chromosomes Set of chromosomes Each chromosome is composed of many smaller units called genes. Genes are responsible for transmitting inherited traits from parents to children. There are at least 1000 genes in each of the 46 chromosomes. Within each gene is a chemical called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) which gives special building instructions for the development of different parts of the human body. Another feature of genes is their dominance or recessiveness. A dominant gene is one that determines a characteristic or trait controlled by that gene. A recessive gene is one that determines a characteristic or trait only if the gene on the matching chromosome is also recessive. What happens if the father gives a dominant gene and the mother gives a recessive one? The result of animal experiments Selective breeding has produced some changes in behavior in animals. For example, dogs have been bred to be excitable or quiet. Also, mice have been bred so that one strain likes drinking alcohol and another strain doesn’t. In addition, there have also been experiments on heredity and intelligence in rats. Furthermore,

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