Healthcare Delivery Systems

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Healthcare Delivery Systems Healthcare Providers Read Chapters 3 and 4. Answer the questions in your own words (typing sentences directly from your text is not accepted) and submit your document in the drop box. Substantive answers are required in order to receive full points for the assignment. 1. Discuss the different reasons listed in your text as to why national health insurance has not developed in the U.S. A reason why National Health Care has failed in the United States is because it failed to get an early start due to labor and political views. Also, the AMA had a history of opposing national healthcare initiatives. Other reasons were that the middle class Americans opposed to increasing the taxes that would benefit in the program. The middle class had traditional beliefs and values that consist with capitalism, self-determination, and distrust of big government. 2. “Trade without prestige” was a common phrase coined for the medical profession during pre-industrial America.…show more content…
There was no anesthesia, microscopes, stethoscope, or x-ray machines. Many doctors had to find other income because of the pay. A lot of folks used homemade remedies that were pass on down from generation to generations. 3. Discuss in detail the four main aspects of globalization in healthcare delivery. The four main aspects of globalization in the healthcare delivery have added worldwide views to deliver medical care through telemedicine and outsourcing, being available in services in foreign countries at a cheaper cost, foreign direct investment in the healthcare enterprise, and the migration of doctors to undeveloped countries. 4. a. You have decided to go to medical school. Will you become a primary care physician or a specialist, and why? b. What are the major medical care distinctions between these two
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