Health Risks of Fast Food

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Introduction I’m going to inform K-State students that do not have a university issued meal plan the health risks that come along with eating fast food. There are thousands of students that attend K-state that are not on a meal plan. These students eat two to three meals a day. As a college student with very busy schedules, making a healthy meal is not always at the top of our priority list. Fast food is a quick, affordable, and convenient route to make your stomach stop growling. It is often open 24 hours daily and is located on every street corner. Fast food however is very harmful to your body. Health Risks Fast food is generally high in fat, calories, and sugar. The average adult should consume approximately 2,000 calories per day in order to maintain his or her weight. This number often varies based on, your body size, age, gender, and with pregnancy. “At McDonald's when you order a "Super Size" order of fries it triples the amount of fat compared to a small fry. The sodium also increases to 17% of your total sodium that you’re allowed to consume based on your body size, age, gender, and with pregnancy.” (Schlosser 24). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “34 percent of the American population is obese.” Obesity increases the risk for heart disease, stroke and heart attacks. This will not effect you now, but later in life you will defiantly be paying the consequences. Fast food also triggers type two diabetes. This is a result of poor lifestyle choices like eating fast food on a regular basis. According to the Mayo Clinic, “type two diabetes is developed when the body becomes resistant to insulin, which is usually found in overweight people who make poor nutrition decisions.” A typical fast food breakfast can put you above your daily fat, cholesterol and carbohydrate recommendations for just that day. Obesity is linked to heart

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