Health Reflection Paper

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Zachary Bland HLED 342 Reflection Paper Heggum In this short reflective paper, I will evaluate, comment, and self-reflective on the topic we covered, Death in the lives of children and adolescents. I would like to evaluate the learning experience I had while researching and presenting our topic. We covered some issues that were very eye opening to me on a topic I felt very confident about before doing the research. What fascinated me about this topic was the way in which we as adults should deal with death and how we should explain it to a child. The interaction between the adults and the children, as well as the interaction among the children and their peers. Many of us hesitate to talk about death, even with youngsters. Death is an inescapable fact of life. We are here to help children understand that, and to let them know thats its ok to talk about death. I learned that when dealing with death and children its important to understand that every child is an individual. Your communication with them about death will depend on the age of the child and their own experiences with death. For example, if the child is young, they may view death as temporary, and they may be more concerned about separation from their loved ones than about death itself. I feel that going through that stages of grief is a vital tool that needs to happen when dealing with death. Acknowledge your grief, it doesn’t help to mourn invisibly. Share your grief, this will help the individual to heal. Forgive yourself, let go of the guilt. Take care of your health, this is important when cope with self grief. Remember, think of ways to keep the memory alive. In summary, communication about death, as with all communication, is easier when a child feels that she has our permission to talk about the subject and believes we are

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