Health Care Educator Interview

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Faculty Interview of A Health Care Educator Joey Millis, RN CEN HSN/548: Role of the Health Care / Nursing Educator February 20, 2012 Rebecca Gesler Faculty Interview of A Health Care Educator The role of the faculty educator encompasses a multitude of special talents, that provide the educator the opportunity to provide outstanding educational opportunities for the students they teach. Clinical instructors merge their clinical knowledge and a enthusiasm for training into prosperous and fulfilling careers. These professionals, whose vocation is in the classroom and the health care setting, are accountable for cultivating and mentoring present and potential generations of nurses. Educators take part in the primary role in the growth of the nursing workforce, helping as role models and only if to give the guidance needed to implement the evidence-based practices that will be used in today's health care world. According to Graff and Hansman, "Curriculum designers need to work collaboratively across the disciplines, so that the health education fields ensure proper training of future health care educators who are equipped to meet the ever-changing needs of the adult learner"(1999). This paper will briefly give a insight of a interview with a health care educator from a higher learning facility, their role responsibilities, settings in which they conduct their education, along with the actual description of the position they hold. It will also encompass the requirements needed to fulfill their roles and responsibilities. Role and Setting of The Educator Nurse educators are a significant ensemble with the responsibility of assuring quality instructive experiences that systematize the nursing personnel for a assorted, ever-changing health care setting. Nurse educators are located in a variety of settings, from the hospital, outpatient
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