Having a Part Time Job While Studying

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The majority of students nowadays tend to apply for a part-time job while study at university. As an undergraduate, they always want to afford the cost of living and gain more real-life experience in order to improve their abilities to resolve problem in the future. From my point of view, holding a part-time job is a valuable experience for undergraduates. First of all, getting a part-time job can help students manage financial difficulties. As the matter of fact, the cost of life is always on the increase and students are still financially dependent on their parents. Consequently, they usually lack of money to spend for their living as well as their studying. In my opinion, if students take a part-time job, they can earn much extra money so they can greatly reduce the burdens on their parents. It is obvious that being in a part-time job helps students to continue their university life. Second, applying for part-time jobs assist students in achieving experience which is not included in university. It is clear that students now are lacking of practical experience. Most of knowledge that they learn from university is theoretical and it probably becomes old or no longer to be used. In contrast, the life always changes and requires people many necessary abilities to overcome difficulties. I think that doing part-time jobs offer them real challenge to face and it may help students learn empirical knowledge that is missing at university courses so they have enough skills to succeed in the future. Some people argue that students' study may be adversely affected by doing part-time job during university life. If students spend their time so much on applying for a part-time job, they maybe go into trouble that they do not have enough time to study. As a consequence, the result of their study may be worse or they probably do not have enough knowledge to earn a good
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