The Haunted House

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The Haunted House by Rhiann Heron The Haunted House production which was performed by Kirsty Liddicoat, Jessica Hinkley, Kayleigh Forward, Adam Young and Meaghan. The characters were Pantalone, Brighella, Isabella, II Dottore, II Capitano, Allerchino and Pulcinella, of these characters the ones chosen in this production were Pantalone, Brighella, Isabella, Allerchino, II Dottore and II Capitano. The relationships were friendship, family, love and partnership. Partnership between Pantalone and II Capitano, Love between Isabella and Allerchino, Family relationship between Pantalone and Isabella and a friendship between Allerchino and Brighella. My main focus is the friendship between Brighella and Allerchino. The movement of the two characters around the stage was swift and easy except for some of Allerchino’s. This is displayed in the scene where II Dottore is announcing that Isabella’s leg needs to be amputated. Allerchino’s movements were everywhere like he didn’t know where or what he was supposed to be doing on stage. Both Kirsty’s and Jessica’s characters displayed good language. They both followed the criteria of their character. One example is when cake is mentioned Brighella can’t resist so he runs out from hiding and claims it’s his. All characters voices were clear and very easy to understand. Some even added their own style to their characters voice to make it easier to understand who they were acting as and what gender they were. A couple of examples are when Adam is acting as Isabella he has to change the pitch of his voice to suit the character he was playing and to make it more believable. Another example is when Kayleigh is acting as II Dottore. Her voice deep and husky making you understand the character she was playing was male. The performance however lacked a good story-line. It was confusing because one minute taking Isabella’s heart

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