Hard Work Leads To Success

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Hard Work Leads To Success My hypothesis that people who will agree with the assertion that people who work hard will see success in their future, the less he will agree with the assertion that people who are lucky have success. Lerner's Belief in a Just World theory presumes that persons either believe that the world is a just place and that people get what they deserve, or that the world is not a just place and that events occur by chance (Lerner). Those with high just world beliefs attribute poverty and other negative circumstances to one’s behavior and personal characteristics, concluding that the poor person somehow deserves to be poor. In his 2007 article “The Reliability and Factor Structure of the Global Belief in a Just World Scale” Morrison states that “the person’s economic status is due to something the person did or failed to do so, therefore they deserved it or had it coming” (Morrison). This can be attributed by the fact that people who put in hard work will be successful and poor people are poor because they don’t work hard. My next hypothesis is that people who will agree with the assertion that students deserve the grades they get will also agree with the assertion that the world is a just place. In her article, “The belief in a just world and distress at school” Dalbert states that “the better the grades received, the more the grades and the teachers' general behavior were evaluated as just.” However, both justice cognitions correlated with the just world scale, even when controlling for the grades received. “The more the students believed in a personally just world, the more they perceived their grades and their teachers' behavior towards them as just” (Dalbert). Overall this supports my hypothesis that the personal belief of the just world scale strengthens justice cognitions at school. In his article “The personal belief in a just world
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