Happiness in Life

545 Words3 Pages
Family and friends reminiscently and purposefully create joyful and illuminated times in

the most unlikely of circumstances. In the most miserable and lonesome of days where

happiness is no where in sight; family and friends somehow end up putting a smile as big

and wide as the moon on our faces.

As a result of family and friends being so pivotal in my life, I can now live my life

knowing that unhappiness will not last harshly upon me. Almost philosophically there

have been numerous scenarios in my life where a dark cloud had hovered over my head,

however not soon after has the sun burst threw like a knife gliding alongside butter that

happiness pulls threw no matter what the circumstance. With that being said, there was

one sentimental moment in my life where happiness was carved and sculpted into my

very well being. I was around 13 years old and I had just learnt that my dog had been

diagnosed with terminal cancer, which crudely meant that he had to be put down. I had

been with Scooby ever since I was 6 years old, lovably attaching my own feelings, life

and mental qualities towards him. Powerlessly when the day had come to let him go, I

was emotionally crushed and destroyed; overwhelmed with emotions that were

impossible to describe.

Not long after did I realize that I was starting to smile again, laughing and having fun as

any other 6 year old would do. Amazingly this was due to my surroundings, which were

my family and friends, whom created eloquent memories, and times which open

mindedly made me overcome the dark and awkward times and most importantly put a

smile on my face again. This made me realize that if family and friends can radiate so

much happiness in such profound times, then that should mean that the same should be

implied by me towards others. The demonstration
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