Handling Complaints Essay

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3.2 Explain the main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints. Your answer needs to show understanding of the complaint policy and procedure-such as what happens after a complaint is made and timescales etc. Staff should be aware of the complaints procedure and policy and always be prepares to assist any service users in expressing a complaint or concern in order to make their views know. Information on making a complaint should be accessible and appropriate, available to all and can be found on the intranet. Additional information should be sought or requested in order to make the information accessible for all. For staff there is a separate process for those wishing to voice their concerns or make a complaint. This is called whistleblowing and information can be found on the intranet. once a complaint has been made, direct communication with the complainant must be kept at all times, as well as effective communication within the organization or other interested parties such as social services etc. Consent from any Service users must be sought before sharing information, or their representatives depending upon their situation or capacity at any given time. General complaints or criticisms are usually made verbally and dealt with straight away as a verbal communication to front line staff. This should still be recorded on the complaint record and entered onto the Corporate Governance system. If a problem can be resolved immediately, this should happen. When a complaint is more complex, it should be recorded and signed by both the complainant and the complainer and handed to a senior member of staff who should attempt to resolve the complaint the next working dat. If at this point it is unable to resolved the manager should request that the matter be dealt with in a more formal way. An acknowledgement letter should be sent to the
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