Han vs Rome

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Han China vs. Imperial Rome C&C Essay Han China and Imperial Rome were two of the greatest empires during the classical periods. They shared similarities but were also different in many ways. These similarities and differences significant ways the two empires are strong. Han China and Imperial Rome had different political systems and ways on how to run their country which made them advanced and powerful. They were similar in which they were both centralized. Also, they both had a dominant religion that played as a factor in the empires decision making. Even though both the Han Dynasty (206-220 CE) and the Imperial Roman Empire (31 BCE- 476 CE) became the strongest empires of their time, they differed in achieving that goal through their political systems, which were centered around their governments. Imperial Rome and Han China formed distinctive methods of social and political control. To China, the centerpiece that supervised everything was knows as Confucianism. With all dependability focused on the emperor and society serving as a family unit, Han China's political system was known for a centralized, closed unit. It was ruled by an emperor who took the Mandate of Heaven in deep consideration. The Han developed a supply of soldiers, which kept their borders secured and made them capable to exchange with others from time to time. On the other hand, Rome had a centralized, mingled structure. The main focus points of the Roman Society were operated by a Roman Monarchy, which was disguised as a Republic, who controlled their complex structure. The Roman Society had more residents and rights than the Hans; Roman's political control lay in the hands of the wealthy, which were elected to a political seat. The governors were picked from family networks. The only way Romans could accomplish anything big in a certain time span was to make strong changes in their
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