Gun Control: Fact Not Opinion

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Fact NOT Opinion: Gun Control Doesn’t Work vs. Gun Control The 2nd Amendment states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Lorri Anderson, in her article “Fact NOT Opinion: Gun Control Doesn’t Work,” attempts to convey the idea that the government and media are to an extent, responsible for misleading the public of relevant statistical information pertaining to gun control in the USA. She implies that, “Everyone should have the right to bear arms,” and her ultimate purpose is to justify that, “It is not the guns that are bad; it is the individuals carrying them.” Therefore, CCW (Carrying Concealed Weapon) carriers should be permitted to carry arms anywhere and not just be limited to having them in their homes. Anderson uses statistics from the Department of Public Safety and recounts past shooting events across the country to support her point. Anderson adopts a patriotic tone in an effort to appeal to readers that may disagree with her argument. Anderson begins her piece by stating, “First I am not a member of the N.R.A, nor am I politically affiliated with any left or right wing side. I am simply a very concerned American.” Right away it’s evident that the writer is making the article non-biased and clearing any thoughts of such beforehand, thus using the appeal of ethos as a method of declaring her identity. Anderson further goes on to say that, “The Government and the media expect the public to be too ignorant to have the common sense to know, the more gun control laws for the law abiding citizens will create the law abiding public to be lambs to the slaughter.” In this piece, the writer speaks in a vexed tone expressing her annoyance and directs questions to the reader by asking, “What criminal will be worried about the gun control laws?”

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