Green Algae Essay

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Green Algae Plant-like protists are a type of unicellular algae. They all contain chlorophyll. Plant-like protists also carry out photosynthesis. They are commonly called algae. There are four phyla to plantlike protists: euglenophytes, chrysophytes, diatoms, and dinoflagellates. Plant-like protists have accessory pigments that help absorb light, this is the reason to why they vary in many colors. They can live in almost any environment that has liquid water. Green algae is a type of plant-like protists.The common name for it is simply green algae. The scientific name is pediastrum boryanum. Green algae belongs to the protista kingdom. It is very unusual for a type of organism to be both unicellular and multicellular, but green algae can be either one. Green algae has cell walls. Green algae appears as threads or sheets of green grass-like fibers that can be up to 3 feet long. It can float on the surface of water. Green algae can produce both sexually and asexually. It reproduces sexually by 2 cells coming together and seperating into many zoospores. It reproduces asexually by fission. Green algae uses photosynthesis for its food source, which means that it turns light into food it can digest. An interesting fact about green algae is that there is over 1000 species of it. Also, it is used in many popular products, such as vegetable oil. Green algae lives all over the world. It can be found in freezing cold places, or really warm places. Green algae is mostly found in fresh water such as ponds and lakes, but it can also be found in the ocean. It can be humid, rainy, or icy where it lives. Even though algae is generally in water, it also lives on soil, trees, and rocks. Sometimes when people see green algae outside of a body of water, it is mistaken for moss. When green algae is living in a fresh water environment, it is surrounded by

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